Addition |
Subtraction: |
Multiplication: |
Multiplication with a number |
Division: |
Inverse: |
Determinante: |
Multiplication with vector |
Solution of linear equationsystem (only if ) |
Rotation matrix around vektor and angle  |
A->0 |
All values of A are set to 0. |
A->1 |
All diagonal values of A are set to 1, the other to 0. |
A->A |
A will be inverted. |
A->A |
A will be transposed:  |
A->-A |
Changes the sign of all values of A. |
Sum of diagonal elements |
det A |
Determinante |
Rg A |
Quality of A |
A |
Fills the matrix A with random values. |
C |
All values are set to 0. |
1 |
All diagonal values are set to 1, the other to 0 |